Focus group interviews started!
Having prepared extensively for the focus group study, our research team started conducting focus group interviews in April.
Report on 7th Japan-based Research Meeting for the AIDE Project
Feedback from the AIDE Project Patient and Public Participation Panel on our Focus Group content
Working together with patients: Preparations for the focus group study continue!
Seeking participants in group interviews
This focus group study is to explore various stakeholders’ attitudes towards the adoption of AI technologies in healthcare settings, focusing on their expectations and concerns with regards to implementation of AI in healthcare.
Our interviews with two focus groups have already given us valuable insights into the participants’ viewpoints regarding the implementation of AI in healthcare.
Our research team would like to thank the participants for taking the time out of their busy schedules to share their thoughts with us.
We plan to conduct 10-20 more focus groups in the coming months. Interviewing more groups of stakeholders will enable us to better understand the similarities and differences in the perceptions of AI in healthcare among different stakeholder groups.
We hope that such a wide range of stakeholder voices in our research will contribute to the design of a sustainable platform for professional and public stakeholder involvement and engagement in the implementation of AI in healthcare in the future.