Involving diverse stakeholders in AI healthcare in Japan
The AIDE project team is exploring a variety of ways to identify and involve the diverse stakeholders in AI healthcare in Japan. Communication with researchers within and outside of Japan is part of this process.
On 22nd March 2022, the Principal Investigator of the AIDE project, Prof. Yamamoto, participated in the “Diversity in research – networking and learning event” at the Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre, UK.
This event was held to help researchers involve PPIE (Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement) contributors from diverse communities in health research.
Increasingly, health research funding in the UK requires some planning for PPIE to ensure a variety of voices contribute to projects.
This is partly because patients and citizen’s knowledge and experiences play an essential role in ensuring that the research solutions are relevant and beneficial to society. For this reason, in the UK it is considered important to scrutinize research and innovation to make sure that it will be beneficial, and PPIE work is part of this process.
AIDE is a platform to consider how to engage and reflect the priorities of diverse groups of patients and citizens in Japan. This involves, necessarily, consideration of what diversity means in the Japanese context.
However, we are also aware that in the Japanese context, there is limited infrastructure to recruit diverse groups of patients and citizens who can be involved in research and policy-making regarding AI healthcare.
For this reason, the AIDE project team is hugely committed to scaffolding the PPIE infrastructure for recruitment, as well as to finding ways to engage and involve different patient and citizen groups in thinking about AI in healthcare.
AIDE project team recognise the importance of bringing voices from different stakeholders into health research and policy-making, and welcome stakeholders from different backgrounds.