Human Information Technology System(HITE)Plenary Conference
Human Information Technology System(HITE) is a research and development (R&D) focus area within the Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
The AIDE project is funded by JST RISTEX within the HITE R&D focus. On August 20th we participated in an online meeting where the different projects within the HITE R&D focus presented on their research activities. Program Supervisor, Professor Jiro Kokuryo from Keio University led the session, which ran from 13:00 to 18:00.
Professors Beverley Yamamoto and Kazuto Kato presented for the AIDE team. We particularly focused on the important work being done by the Patient and Public Involvement Panels (PPIPs) here in Japan and in the UK around the development and adoption of healthcare AI. In our presentation we offered a comparison of the concerns and expectations expressed by PPIP members with regards to healthcare AI and sought to contextualize these. We showed how the PPIPs were engaging in co-production activities to create focus group questions. We also showed the links that have been made between AI researchers involved in the AI Hospital project at Osaka University and AIDE project and PPIP members.
We were excited to receive very positive feedback and to see that a scaling up of our activities in the future to have a bigger impact was considered a possible next step.
A list of all the projects involved in the 2019-2022 funding cycle can be found at: