AIDE Project member makes a presentation on WP5 (Focus Group) at Japan Association for Bioethics 36th Annual Meeting
On Saturday, 16 November, and Sunday, 17 November 2024, the 36th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Bioethics took place at Ritsumeikan University’s Osaka Ibaraki Campus.
From the AIDE Project, Assistant Professor Atsushi Kogetsu, a member of the research team, delivered an oral presentation titled “Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives on the Use of AI in Clinical Settings: Insights from Focus Group Interview Research” to share the findings of Work Package 5 (Focus Group Interviews).
Furthermore, at the international symposium “Current Topics of Bioethics around the Globe: AI in Medicine,” Assistant Professor Kogetsu participated as one of the Japanese speakers. He gave a presentation titled “Stakeholder Engagement in the Development and Implementation of AI in Healthcare,” introducing the AIDE Project.
Several academic papers are currently in preparation, and we are committed to making our research findings accessible to a global audience.